Your home. Your sanctuary.


Antique pine farm table and benchA sanctuary, by definition, is holy space: Set apart, private, and deeply personal.  At Clark Antiques Gallery, the concept of sanctuary informs everything we do, from the pieces we bring into the gallery for sale, to the principles of design we apply to our gallery’s displays and our clients’ homes, to the way we treat each new person who walks through the gallery’s door.

We’ve tried to make our showroom a sanctuary, a place where you can rest and refresh and feast your eyes on Louis XV-style walnut bergerebeautiful  things … but there’s nothing more appropriate and holy for you than whatyou can find in your own home. Look around you. What speaks to you most?

Is it the well-worn farm table where your family gathers for the evening meal?  The cozy bergere where you snuggle with your toddler each morning and read a book?  A painting or print that you chose because it inspires you, and not because it matches your sofa?  (Though we think it’s okay if it matches your sofa.)


antique oil painting on canvas, bicycle in doorwaySurround yourself with the furniture and accessories that bring you joy, that call up happy memories or make your heart sing, and your home will be just-right for you, your holy space.  Your own eye for detail, and your own private dreams, will determine your direction.  If you’re comfortable working with an interior designer or decorator, he or she can help you create an environment that meets the specific needs of your family.  An outsider’s perspective can help you make the most of the pieces you already love, and the right designer will bring in new furnishings that will someday become your children’s heirlooms.

Stop by our gallery and see our vision of sanctuary.  Share your vision with us.  Find something new and lovely you can make your own.  And always, always, cherish what you already have.  It is yours, and it is holy.

4 Responses to “Your home. Your sanctuary.”

  1. Andi says:

    Ah yes, nicely put, eevyrone.

  2. says:

    Thank you!

  3. connie parrish says:

    Very nice

  4. says:

    Thank you, Connie! Please come visit us!

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