Classic Country French Dining Room

With the mention of Country French,  most people envision a stone house with wood beamed ceilings, rooms appointed with richly carved armoires and cozy sofas, and chairs upholstered in a luxurious fabric. And of course, there would be flowers emulating a Parisian public garden and lots of collectables.

Country French is all the above and much, much more. What makes its many interpretations so livable and why Country French continues to be among the most popular interior design motifs in America is that it never forgets its past, even while charging ahead to the future. Homes created in this manner always reflect the occupants’ personalities, making each house unique. This is one characteristic I strive to give all my clients. By using their own collectables intermingled with new (old) purchases, regardless their country of origin,  they are creating a reflection of themselves. I love to visit a home with family heirlooms mixed in with the décor. Those personal touches truly make a house a home.

A brilliant combination of the rustic with the refined, Country French is as appropriate for a cottage as it is for a chateau. While evolving over time to meet the needs of the middle class and their much simpler homes, the basics of Country French decorating—proportion, balance and fine craftsmanship—have never waivered. Add to this the important role of family in France, and you end up with a style that is both pleasing to the eye and comfortable to live with. Though styles change, our focus on our families and comfort does not…even in America.

Imagine sitting in one of those beautiful French chateau dining rooms. The well-designed furniture alongside a stunning view makes me relax just thinking about it! At the gallery, we have created a Country French dining room that could fit in any chateau. The combination of our beautiful Country French solid oak Lodge Cabinet with our heavy solid oak, parquet top farm table, decked with our English garden urns and Royal Albert bone china,  achieves the look of classic Country French as described above. The heavily carved breakfront brings charm and personality as well as more display space for china. The addition of sheepbone leather chairs, combined with our Louis XV tapestry fauteuils (chairs), accomplishes our look with richness and grace. A casual elegance seems to radiate an inviting feeling…one that evokes the desire to sit down for a lovely family dinner. And that is what it’s all about: creating a welcoming and inviting space for our family and friends.

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