A Fabulous French Salon

We call this room our salon because we think it offers an atmosphere for good conversation. Some people may refer to it as a drawing room. Whatever you decide to call it, this room is a place for gathering family and friends, a welcoming place for all who enter. Regular followers of our Facebook posts know we love the French; since the French created the idea of the salon, we naturally are drawn to it. Many centuries ago, before the United States was even a thought, intellectuals in France gathered in the drawing room of an individual’s home to discuss ideas, politics, and art. That’s why we have filled it with lovely pieces that invite visitors to sit and visit, to talk – and to listen – to each other.

We also love Elsie de Wolfe; while she probably would have covered the furniture in pink, we chose a soft coral. Hospitable seating abounds in this room with a Chinese Chippendale mahogany sofa that begs you to sit a while, a pair of Louis XVI bergeres that enfold you, and a Louis XVI daybed that encourages relaxation. Add a French commode and a French end table, both with marble tops, and the space is ready for conversation. As usual, we have added a bit of contemporary flair with a hide and hair ottoman used as our coffee table. A fragment placed atop it serves as a rustic spot on which to set a refined silver tea service. On the wall, we have original oil paintings and some of our favorite pieces of blue-and-white porcelain. The needlepoint and Aubusson pillows invite you to hug them as you enjoy the discourse. Our room urges you to touch, to linger, to think. After all, when you think, you have something to talk about.

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